Tuesday, 7 April 2009

A "BUDGET yet LUXURY" Lunch??!!

The usual lunch khakis came out with this idea... We love Lei Garden dim sum, but the cost of dim sum is on the 'high end' in comparison to most restaurants. So, we agreed that we will just eat on a budget of $20 each. Joanne was appointed to be the 'finance controller' to monitor this budget, making sure that we will not order exceeding this set amount. We had great laughs over this agreement and yes.. we set a date and go for our 'budget yet luxury' lunch. The date was set on a Fri.. with the weekend mood. We stepped in Lei Gardens with great pleasure and truly enjoyed the dim sums. Of course, not forgetting to keep closed eye on the price each time we placed a dim sum order. Though we have this limitations, but we had lots of fun with it. Upon asking for the bill, we all played a guessing game... to see who guess the closest to the actual bill amount. Result is... Miss P! A pity no one favour taking up the challenge I've proposed. (closest to the bill amount will not have to pay). Otherwise, Phyllis will have a free meal!

Congratulations! We made it a luxury lunch within budget!!! :-D

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