Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Arrival of Baby Chloe - Valerie's Little Princess

12 March 2009, arrival of baby Chole! Received a short email from Aixin that Valerie had given birth. So exciting! Immediately, I send a sms (instead of calling... mummy needs rest mah) to Val to congratulate her new born. Following will be LCS-ing the ladies, asking if anyone is keen to pay a visit at East Shore hospital next day. Haiz... response wasn't over-whelming as I expected. I suppose, I am the only one 'more free' at work. Hahaha... Joan's reply was " I don't know how to carry a baby"... Phyllis's was "Don't think I can leave office, quite busy". Unfortunately Joanne is on leave, otherwise, I believed she will be keen to join me. Nonetheless, I found a interested party-Geneve. :-) Eventually, we made arrangement that rain or shine, we will meet at lobby over lunch hours for East Shore. The morning, I was browsing for the right gift for mum and baby. I can't wait to see little Chloe. It was pouring heavily.. but the excitement to see the little princess overcome the challenge of 'wet journey'. Very luckily, we managed to flag a taxi without much delay of time from the rain. I wasn't aware that East Shore is so closed to Bon's condo...and the outlook had changed so much-for the better! The last time I came visiting was 7 years ago-Suhainah's new born. Time flies.....!!! Geneve and I bought our lunch from Delifrance express at the lobby and went straight up to the ward. Val was breastfeeding when we arrived, thus we munch on our bread while she's busy attending to chloe's feed. We waited not too long to finally see the beautiful little Chloe. My 1st impression : She looks exactly like Val!!! I am never good at judging, but this is a exact mould to her mum. Geneve agrees with me... next, both of us are busy taking photos of the little princess. Of course, chat with Val also.. finding out how her birth took place... the usual mummy's talk. :-p We spent about 2 hours (I think) at the ward, before we headed back to office. As it was a Friday, there weren't much mood to work...(opps!) Instead, I am spending time downloading the photos to share with the ladies. (shhhhh... dont tell boss!)

Congratulations Valerie... & Brandon to your new born!

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