Monday, 11 June 2012

TSOD Openhouse 2012


Once again its TSOD open hourse. This is a time where students showcase what they had learnt in TSOD during the year (before they sit for RAD exam). Its also a good opportunity for parents to see results from the investments put in.

Posing upright
Time passes, Ashley is in Grade 2 RAD syllabus and will be sitting for the test in April. I can recalled how young she was when she started with Ms June Lee. She skipped Pre-Pri and moved on to Pri and now it's Grade 2.  Each time I watch her dance, I knew my decision in supporting her in dancing is right. A pity that I have to withdrew her from the dance troupe as it clashes on her Chinese class. I hope I can put her back in next year.

Presenting a dance with expression (sewing pillow as a gift for a friend's birthday)

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