Tuesday, 19 June 2012

First Ice Skating Experience!

I have seen few photos from my friend's facebook on ice skating, and thought it was a great idea to bring my children to check it out as well. But then, not sure how this idea would sound to them. Will they be bold to try? I guess I shouldn't have block them such exposure based on my own self-thinking .Thus, through one of the night's chat, I asked if they would like to try ice skating. To my surprised, Ashley was excited and immediately shouted a 'YES!'. Cieran got
Happy Children 1st time trying ice skating
the excitement from influence from jie jie. I further explained to them that the coach slot was subjected to availability and if we managed to get the slot, they will have a coach to guide them. If we didn't manage to get the coach, they will have to learn on their own, by the holding bar. Objective was to have fun, exposure and not to 'back out' from any learning. Both children nod in agreement. The nearest ice skating ring will be the one located at Kallang Leisure Park. Met my sister and nephew at 11am for the trial session. A pity that we failed in the coach list, so the children have to try on their own. It was an exposure to me as well. First time stepping into a ice skating ring, and first time to help my children put on the skates! It was a blessing that I came in well prepared. I had got my children wearing in long sleeves Ts and long pants, and I hadn't
Ashley on her own!
forgotten the sweaters! Inside the ring, as expected was rather chilly. To me, it was nice temperature as the weather had been real hot lately. My sister wasn't that well-prepared and was feeling cold. She was lucky to have me as her sister..haha! I lent her my shawl since I do not need it. I was amazed that the skate blade was not as sharp as I thought will be. The children had no problem walking on their own on ground after putting
Gaining more confidence
them on. Or rather, they were all too excited to what's welcoming them! Since there wasn't any coach available, we got the metal pedestal to help the children
self-play by the ring side. I have to praise the children that they were brave to try on their own. Cieran was a little too young to self-explore. Sorry for my boy that
Cieran prefers to eat
mummy can't helped much as mum was as clumsy. haha! In the end, this little boy rather sit with me and enjoy his packet of snacks, while Vernon and Ashley went on their own. Ashley started with hands tightly grabbing on to the pedestal, in fear of falling. Vernon on other hand, skate more naturally as he has been learning roller blading. As such, his balancing was better. My sister and I stood by the side of the wall, encouraging the children to be more adventurous, skate further and making more rounds around the ring. Soon, little niece Clara came to watch her cousins skate. Cieran was happy to see Clara. They are great pals! He has someone to play with, rather than waiting for Vernon and Ashley to finish with their skates. The ticketing was quite reasonable actually. We paid $15 for 2 hrs skate that includes rental of the skates. Visitor entering the ring pays $3. With more practice, the children were more daring. Ashley accidentally bumped on a boy, both fell. I went over to check on both, but they were fine. Taking this opportunity, I chatted with the boy. He was quite an interesting chap. His name is Klin and he was the same age as Ashley. I found out that he had learned how to skate  for 2 years and he skates well. So I asked Klin of hecan teach the 2 children , and he
 happily agrees. He took this seriously and he caught up with Ashley and from far, I saw him advising Ashley to do away with the pedestal. He skate same speed as Ashley and followed wherever she goes. Truly a responsible little chap. He also showed both Ashley and Vernon how to fall safely and tips in getting feet up after falling. For a while, Ashley had more confident to skate freely without holding on. A pity that Klin had to go and he waved bye to the children as his dad called upon him to leave. Glad that the made friends and learnt some tips from Klin. Both children skate for almost an hour and it was a real experience for them. At the end of the day, I asked Ashley if she would like to come back for more

skating and I am glad that her reply was a
nod. The next time we come, I hope we will
 have a proper coach to guide the children and wished Cieran will be willing to take up the challenge in learning to skate. I know he will if mummy is learning.... maybe I should start convincing myself to learn first?.... haha.... 
Learning to let go

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