Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Ashley's participation in CSTD 13th Asia Pacific Competition : Mulan Warriors

We have never thought of putting Ashley to any competition. It all happened so naturally that sometimes, I wonder if this is all 'fated'. Out of curiosity, Ashley joined TSOD. Without planning, Ashley was roped into joining TSOD 1 (a so-call 'dance group') and not long, took part in a dance competition. The whole practice period was short, I would consider. From end June-13Aug, barely 2 months. They started regular rehearsals (once a week) only late June. Ashley joined in July if I remember correctly. The rehearsals had been tough. All girls (except Keller) were unable to do somersault, and each time they attempted to, they fall. As parents, watching her fall hard on the ground has been a painful experience. Nonetheless, Ashley has a passion for dance and I could only provide her with my utmost support and guide her (showing her some tactics of flipping over. Well, her mum can be flexible!). After several times of practicing, the girls including Ashley made it. But the expectations did not just end there. Ms Lee expects more...not just 1 flip, but two, three and more. Soon, I realised it was through their rehearsals that she started planning for the role each girl will play in the dance. From individual dance moves, puzzle up bits and pieces, to a final piece of dance. That's not all, each phase had to be perfect with consistency, groove and jazz! By end July, the master piece-Mulan Warriors was ready for the day-13 August! Po Po, Cieran and me went to support Ashley. The whole theatre was full. I am surprised to learn that there was in fact, 3 sessions of competition on this date. 10am session for 7 years & below and 9 years & below. 2 pm session for 12 years & below, while 5pm session for 15 years & below. Ashley belonged to the category - groups, 9 years & below. As I watched the whole competition, I admired some girls who danced as professional dancers at young age. The level of dance was high (though I am not a professional judge). A total of approximately 13 schools took part in the competition. Mulan Warriors was the last category and last dance in the 10am session, before the prize presentation. I have to admit that I feel touched and proud as I watched Ashley performing on stage. I saw persistence, determination and teamwork in their dance. Their efforts were rewarded by cheers and screams from the audience, which was very encouraging. It was even more encouraging when judges announced that they have won 2nd prize! We cheered and clapped loudly. Out at the theatre, I cant helped but congratulated the girls for a job well done. Ms Lee grouped the girls as the cameras snapped non-stop.

I Am Proud of You, my Ashley baby!

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