Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Sand Play on Labour Day

1May-Labour Day was a public holiday. As usual, I am thinking what activity I can do with my children. Just then, received a sms from Grace... in the end, we decided on picnic by the beach in early morning. I am excited! This will be the 1st time Cieran have fun with sand play. We agree to meet at 0830hrs, seaside by big splash. I am the 1st to arrive at the beach and easily found a spot that provides shade. Ashley is eager to start sand play, however I insisted that she needs to take her breakfast before any play. Cieran on other hand, has no idea what we are up to. But he does feel very happy to be out in the sun. Eventually all arrived and we started an early morning breakfast. There's beehoon, quail eggs, vitagen, crackers etc. Cieran is the happiest kid.... as usual, he loves food! Ashley's mind is into play, as such she is eating less portion than normal. Sigh!... Both Ashley and Vernon are out to have fun after a quick breakfast. It's wonderful to have a helper around to keep any eye with the children. I am able to leisurely sit around by the table and have a good chat with my sisters. At times, I appreciate the existence of a helper...though sometimes I wished there isn't one in my house. (contradicting me!). The relaxation by the beach is an enjoyable one with sea breeze blowing on our faces. The sky is bright and blue with beautiful white clouds. I am enjoying this wonderful day, and I am sure the kids felt the same. Watching them play is my pleasure. I have no doubts that the kids made my life fuller. I have great laughs when little Cieran joins the older ones at play, coming back to me with complaints. As much as Cieran loves to join Ashley and Vernon, the older ones always avoid him as he tends to 'destroy' their sand works. Poor Cieran eventually run back to me for his own pleasure-food. To distract him from food, I bring him for a walk around. Cieran enjoys the walk, barefooted on the sand. I decided to bring him near to the waves, however he stopped when we are near. He hesitated to proceed any further looking at the roaring waves. Till, Ashley suddenly appear and run forward heading to the waves that arouses his interest. He followed his sister, and in a blink of an eye, two children have their feet in the waves. ;-) I have hard time bringing Cieran back on shore! We spent a wonderful morning by the beach and left the place before noon.

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