Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Day after day passes without one's knowing it... In a blink of an eye, Cieran is 17 months now. He has been a joy to the family. Watching him grow with more 'cheeky' tricks each day makes us laugh. Lately, he's into 'peeka-poo' game. Not sure where he learn it from... he loves to hide. His best spot will be the set of curtains by the living area. He will hide behind the day curtain and put on that cheeky smile on his face. At times, we pretend to ignore him, he will seek our attention by hitting on the glass, making known that he is hiding there. When we look over, he will 'flash' himself out ... "peeka-poo"! This has been his favourite game recently. He did this when he is in class as well. The teacher and I cant helped laugh it off, seeing this cheeky boy! Know what he did? Not hiding on curtains...coz there's no curtains in his class... but he is hiding behind me. He will pops his head with his usual cheeky smile, playing peeka-poo! He really make his teacher laughs out loud.

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