Monday, 3 December 2012

Family Portal

traddition family pose
The 'males' in the family
The Groupon deal catches my eye when I see 'timeline photography'. $18 for family portal sounds good to me. Since Cieran was born, it has been in my mind to have a family photo taken by professional. Before I action, I went in to timeline to check on the photographer's profile. Somehow or rather, it gave me a nice impression, and eventually I bought 1 groupon. Its a good deal to me. The package includes 5 selected photos to be edited and given the option to have all photos saved on a CD taken home. Believed this deal has attracted lots of online purchaser. Immediately I schedule an appointment for the photo shoot, I got a response that the earliest weekend date was more than a  month. Popular! 
Ready? Get Set.... GO!
Eventually the day has arrived. All of us are in 'fun' mood for the photo shot. We are dressed in same design Ts and as we arrived at the studio.... "Wow, we have a football team today!" was greeted by the photographer. 2 young photographers! I knew this will be a modern, playful team. Alan was our photographer and immediately he set us into action. It was not our norm to pose in front of cameras. It takes a while for us to warm up indeed. I cant recall how many shots we have taken, but the session took us slightly more than an hour. As soon as we are done, Alan loaded them up in the computer.

The kids laugh as we go one by one each shot. We had a witty time laughing and selecting the photos.

A hilarious moments and great bonding session we had! It was truely a something that money can't buy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahahaha cieran!!!