Tuesday, 10 August 2010

A long weekends Fun!

It's a long weekends for the kids, especially for Ashley. Friday, she celebrated National Day with only 3 hours at school, and Tuesday a school holiday for her. So envy! Basically, she break for 4.5days! Sun, 8 Aug, the weather was good with ample of sunshine that triggers the thought of 'water play' for the kids. When I threw the idea to them, immediately there's lots of shouting and excitement in the air. Seeing them jumping with joy, again I feel that the tiring job in setting up is worth the trouble. Haha! The 2 kids waited patiently for mummy to pump the pool, changed them in consume and flash water into the pool. Cieran was especially excited when I splashed the water at him. It's really a joy watching them at play. Also, a quiet moment to myself, listening to my music by the sofa...watching them. At one stage, Cieran put on his green-coloured sunglasses, and with his matching swimming costume, I can't helped but requesting the children to give me a pose! Look! Cieran looked smart yah? haha... The children can certainly amused themselves. Without me noticing, they already had more toys with them... tooked the bottles (that I used to water the plants) and started to play cooking in the pool. For a moment, they looked so serious! For 15mins, they are very cooperative and shared the toys in cooking... soon, they started to snatch and fight for 'utensils'... till I warned them about sharing, else no more water play. Kids are just kids... the cycle goes round and round like this. That's why they always keep me busy. Haha.... but Is till love to watch them at play. Cieran started to get bored with cooking and started to be on his own fun. He pretend to swim... then match around the pool...haha! He's so funny! I took a video clip of his silly actions, but a pity I cannt share it here in the blog as the capacity is too large to upload. I suddenly remembered about bubbles and offered a bottle to Cieran. His face lited with joy. Next moment, he's busy blowing bubbles with all his mighty lungs...haha... coz he blew so hard! They played for an hour or longer before washing up. Mon, National Day was also a fun-filled day for the kids. Decided to bring them to the zoo, and will be meeting Grace & family for this field trip together! Cieran had been exited since the night before the trip. Even before he doze off, he had been asking "we go zoo?....see elephant?" He repeatedly asked the same even when we are at the zoo....haha! He loves elephants and this is a MUST visit at the zoo! We arrived slightly earlier at around 8.20am. As usual, Grace is late. The kids got impatient and kept asking me why yi-ma haven't reached. Even little Cieran kept asking "why yi-ma so long?"....haha... He cant wait to see elephants. Finally at 9.30am, we are inside the zoo. Ashley and Vernon lead the way in, and the 1st to welcome us are otters and chimpanzees. The chimps seems happy to see many people visiting the zoo, as they swing from a tree to another, showing off their excellent skills. Along the trail, we saw cats family of cheetas, leopards and lions. Learnt how to differentite between a lepard and a cheetah by reading the fun facts displays. Next, zebras, girrafe and rhinos greeted us. It was by coincident that we are passing by polar bear that we managed to catch the polar bear feeding time.We have been missing the polar bear feeding time each time we are at the zoo. Glad that the kids finally get to watch the show. Next, we proceed to the splash safari under the kid's demand. Though I had watched the same performace 3x, I dont mind watching with them again. I lead them to the front andmanaged to squeeze them seated comfortably among the crowd. The 3 kids enjoyed a great performance by the penguins and sealions, and also the snacks that I brought for them. As usual, Cieran is the most dirty-eater...haha. He had small piceces of seaweed all over his mouth and face. After the performance, the last we visit before leaving zoo will be the elephants! Cant forget about elephants since Cieran had been reminding me. Timing is just right! 11.55am for feeding the elephants! Bought a basket at $5 this time, so that the kids get to feed elephants. A little hsistation in Vernon, but he managed to build up his courage to feed the elephant with carrots. Overall, the kids had fun... including the adults. We ended up lunch at KFC before we head off to Raffles Town Club for a movie-Astro Boy. Dont you think it's a FUN day for the kids? Well, I must admit I do also... Astro Boy was quite a nice and touching movie. Quite funny also, in certain portion of the movie. Can hear some adults laughing heartedly in the threatre. The show ended around 4plus where we headed home. After a short rest, I showered the kids (and shower myself, cant stand the sticky me from the sweat...), and 3 of us had a little stroll out to buy our dinner. Enjoy dinner while watching the National Parade... so shiok right? Haha....

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