Thursday, 27 August 2009

National Day Activities

This year's National Day falls on Sun as such we enjoyed a longer weekends. The children have lots of fun with home activities. Firstly, the weather has been good in the day, so I allowed the children to have water play by the car pouch area. As usual, the children's laughter filled the air when comes to water play. This mummy, of course... will be at the side busy snapping and capturing the happy moments of the children. Due to mummy's laziness, Cieran is not changed into swim wear, but wearing his romper. After all he needs a shower after the water play... so .... (actually that's mummy's excuse). But! You would never have thought that there's accident happening while playing... Cieran surprises us with his 'tea' added into the pool. Haha! Ashley blah out loud "Eeeeeeeee! Di Di urine inside!"We have a great laugh over it while poor Cieran has no idea what's happening. He laughs along with us. Kids are so lovable, aren't they? After water play, the children had a little feast... snacky time! Look at the children facial expressions and you would know how much they love snacky time. I can't helped but having the camera in my hands once again. After snacky, the children are off to play again. This time, it was led by Ashley who happily dancing around the living room. Little Cieran followed behind, jumping and jumping behind his sister. In
fear that they might fall with the sofas on the way, I chase them out to the car pouch area. I have to put my hats off the children.. now they got Ismi involved in their dancing. From dancing, it proceed to spinning. Children can be really creative! Even Golden gets excited and want to be part of it. A pity that daddy is not around to see how happy his children are! Rolling n Baking is our next activity. Mummy made a dough out from plain flour and the children pretends to be bakers moulding their cookies. This is not the 1st time we had this, but each time the children enjoy rolling their dough. You may think that Cieran is too young for this activity, but you are wrong. He is having a lot of fun rolling his dough as well... it's a good hand and eye coordination activity for the little one. Look at him, aren't he being quite a professional baker... if only there's a chef hat for him. The children are looking forward to evening's program. We have made a date with Grace (my sister) that we will be going to her house for dinner and watch the National Day parade together. From her house, we will also get to see live fireworks that display during the parade. The day is so long, the children keeps themselves busy next by drawing and colouring. Cieran loves to draw... though he cant hold the pencil in proper manner yet. He has his way of drawing. We called that 'Chou Xiang Hwa'...haha! At times, he would come to us and request us to draw apple, Elmo, fish...etc for him on his paper. I especially like to see Cieran's expression when I draw Elmo for him. When the Elmo drawn was in a happy face, Cieran will smile and make a happy face. When I draw a sad Elmo, he will pretend to cry. The best expression of his is angry face. He bends his head down and frown. What a cute little Cieran. Sometimes he reminds me of Ashley when she's as young as Cieran. I did the same with Ashley before, and she does exactly the same. :-) The sky soon turns dark. The children are all dressed up for National Day-Red is the theme! Ashley even got a tattoo for the celebration. The children watched the parade start while waiting for daddy to bring us to Grace's house. Ashley is a little tired after so many activities in the day, and she is starting to feel restless. On the other hand, Cieran is still having lots of energy. What a contrast! Nonetheless, the children participate with the parade performance, with their hand-shaped drum. Cieran is the one having more fun. I guess boys are 'rough' in nature. Haha! At Grace's place, the children become 'dragon' with lots of energy! Together with Vernon, they entertained themselves while the adults can have a good meal with no disturbance.

The National Day had been a good fun time.... especially for the children!

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