Tuesday, 23 September 2008

The kids @ the Playground

One of the favourite spot I like bringing my kids will be the playground. Love to watch them at play, especially now that Cieran is able to join Ashley. Though not all the play area Cieran appreciates at this stage, there are few which he does enjoys. One of it will be the springy scooter where he sits and knows how to shake to make it move. Another will be the red bowler (suppose to swing in circles 360 degrees) where he comfortably sits in there without having me to hold him. I simply move the bowler from left and right gently. Cieran also enjoys the slides, with me holding on him (sitting on my lap) and slide down together. As for Ashley, she's old enough to play all that's available in the playground. She has fun running and climbling. Occassionally, she will stops by and play with her little brother, before she goes wondering around on her own pleasure. I enjoy watching them play and play with them, though I easily get all sweaty in just 10mins. Sometimes, I just wished the clock will stop and the kids will remain at this age-never grow older.... and of course, having me not growing older too! Hahaha....

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