Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Celebrating Dad's 70 Birthday @ Singapore Flyer!

It was incredible! It's Dad's 70 birthday this year... I wonder if I will live to this age. We plan and decided to celebrate his birthday with dinner and a ride on the newly opened Singapore Flyer. It was arranged on 13Sept (not actual day) and reservations at the restaurant was pre-arranged. The kids are excited and all in the family are aware of this celebration, except, of course dad was kept in the dark. To him, it was just to experience the Singapore flyer. We have been thinking what to do on his birthday, especially this year was his 70 birthday-which is consider big for Chinese. Not easy, since dad don't really enjoy going out and having the day 'big'. Thus, we have the celebration with just the family members. Dinner was set at Jalapenos Pepper which was rated as one of the healthy choice restaurant by Ministry of Health. Looking at the restaurant's site earlier, it does looks interesting and colourful. The menu was more of western style with a healthier manner of cooking. We each other our food, with little Cieran being an exception. Well, nothing much is suitable for him of his age. Nevertheless, he was pleased with his baby biscuits which I bring along for him. We had our fill before boarding the Singapore Flyer at 9pm. We requested for a cabin for ourselves and was granted. Thanks to the 'less crowded' situation and, the family number we have-can you imagine? We have 11 members! It was a pity that we are unable to have red wine/champagne along with the flight. Anyway, it was glad we have the whole cabin ourselves. We had fund taking pictures, looking at the night scenery. The flight took about 30mins before we are on the ground again. Felt like in the airport landing, as we are headed to souvenirs shopping once leaving the cabin. Besides the pleasant experience we had on board Singapore Flyer, we left the place with a family photo on Singapore Flyer which was taken well by the staff there. That, was a memory token for Dad....

On 19Sept, dad's actual birthday...all members are back to celebrate with him. Not a enormous celebration, but a sweet and beautiful one with a "Shou Tao" cake from crystal jade bakery. The cake was of a shape of peach, with 8 mini peaches by the side. Very unique and nice cake suitable for this event. We sang birthday songs (kids are trilled) and dad made his birthday wish. The day ended with laughter and cheers in the house. Wish dad have a wonderful birthday ever!

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