Tuesday, 4 September 2007

We are shifting again!

This is the 3rd shift since started a family with Jeremy. Our 1st house as a married couple was at Tampines Street 71 in 2002. Then we had our 1st child-a girl, Ashley and shifted to 59 Jalan Gembira (MacPherson Garden Estate) in Oct 2006. She was then 2years+. Unexpectedly, in 2007... we are shifting again! Still within MacPherson Garden Estate-17 Jalan Mesra which is 2 lane away. And this time, I am expecting our 2nd child-a boy, Cieran who will due in Dec. This time, it is quite a heavy renovation works and we went through proper approval . This cost us more than 25K just for the engagement of an architect in ensuring the structure of the house is sound safe with the extension and alterations. The banner sure is costly! So, definately MUST taka a picture as remembrance, right? In this blog, I like to insert the 'before' and after' photos. You'll be amazed how the house turn-over a new look! These are some photos taken during the early-renovation process...

After about 1.5 months, this is how the house was transformed into :

Toilet tiles was chosen by Jeremy, while the wall colours, carpentry designs, house structure was my preference. Really counting down to the completion of this new house...
Shouldn't be too long now... We have fixed the shifting in date as 16 Sept-09.00hrs. As I am 6months pregnant now, I have to be excused from the shift. All the moving chores have to leave it to Jeremy to handle. I will probably be around to unpack the house in the afternoon when the movers have left....

THE SHIFT : The renovation completion was delayed. It was expected to be complete by 30August. But due to several rainy days in July unexpectedly (weather has been unpredictable lately), some of the planned works cannot be done with the rain pouring, thus the delay in the project. Nevertheless, we have to shift our stuffs in on 16 Sept as planned. The movers was amazing! The service was professional and they take great care on our stuffs. They are here early morning at 6.20am (little late due to heavy rain and locating our house). Without further delay, they started to dismantle and wrapped the big items such as bed, sofa, dinning table etc. I am greatly impressed by the teamwork and professionalism. There's a total of 8workers and 1 driver. It was pouring heavily since 5am plus and we are wondering if this is a good sign... how are they going to move our things out when there's no shelter? Worst, our neighbour car was parked outside our house last night which blocked the moving flow. We can't be waking our neighbour to shift his car on a Sunday early morning right? The movers was also a little worried. They have completed wrapping the stuffs by 7am and thinking of how to load them up to the lorry with such heavy rain. They have to monitor and watch the time coz we have auspicious time to meet. Good thing, our neighbour woke up and moved his car to give way to the lorry. While the movers load up the items, we proceed to the new house to get ready our auspicious item in first. Luckily by now, the rain had stopped. The movers say it was a good sign as rain means water which symbolised 'riches'. They sure knows some of our Chinese beliefs though they are not locals. haha! All went well, we had our stuffs in at the time we wanted and they did a real good job. We are very pleased with this mover. The money paid was well deserved with such good job done. By 8am, the job had completed. Jeremy & I bought breakfast and drinks in appreciation.

Finally, we have settled down in this new house. It takes longer time since I am in a inconvenient state in cleaning and unpacking. Haha! Here's some photos of our new house!

Front View

I love bold colours for my kitchen, thus this time I choose bright red, matching with black glass. I love my art work at the kitchen door. I created that during early morning at 3am plus when I have insomia...this is only part 1..wait till you see the part 2 at backyard door. Shall keep you in suspense by not showing the photo here. Visit me to find out. Hehe! Last photo I will be putting up will be my tiles
display. As usual, clay tiles are my liking, plus.... I discover something else when I am choosing my clay tiles... and get the contractor to do the feature wall for me FOC!
I LoVe iT!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just realise you updated this entry with the portion after you move in. I only remember reading the portion on the before-moving in.

The new house seems great! And how did you add that art work on the kitchen glass door? Amazing neh. The cartoon is real nice.

~ Keri