Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Ashley's 6 Birthday Celebration

It was not my intention to have a big celebration. But since Jeremy is keen to held a buffet and celebrate at home, I'll let him be. It was a harsh harsh arrangements. Not a big group of guests, just the family members and Jeremy's buddies (with kids). We clebrated the birthday on 5 Dec (Sat) instead of actual day, thinking that if it's on a Sunday, we will be tired after the cleaning job when the event ends. Sat, the kids can also stay a bit longer. Ashley is in happy mood knowing it's her birthday celebration. The children helped me to 'doll up' the house. The theme is "Little Miss". I have earlier printed some Little Miss characters for the decorations. Ashley's favourite is Little Miss Sunshine, so her cake is with this character. Cieran gets excited too.. and he too, wants to help out in the decorations. But instead of a help...haha! He made a mess. Crumpled the papers instead. Good that I have spares...haha. I have also arrange a small pinatas for the children to play. It is by concident that I saw this pinata (that suits the theme) from ebay and bought it at a rather cheap price. Ashley came with me to pick it up from the seller. The cost of this pinata comes includes goodies inside... allows me to save some $! If I buy from the party shop, easily it cost me $28 and above. Yet, I wont have a character that suits the theme. It was a worthy buy, I personally feel... coz I bought it at only $18. Find a place to hook this pinata was a challenge. Ideally, having it at the car pouch area is best position with the space for children to take turns hitting the pinata. Unfortunately it rained and it becomes unsafe for the children. In the end, I hook the pinata inside the house...The children had great fun on the pinata...even little Cieran laughs and laughs. A pity I dont have a pinata bat...haha! I use the kid's badminton racket. Opps! Nonetheless, I dont think the children will be bothered by the packets...they have lots of fun, especially when the goodies pops out! Next, will be cake cutting. The children quickly crowd around the cake without me having to ask them come over. I suppose it's the picture on the cake that immediately draws their attention. Ashley got the privilege to place the candles herself. She has been waiting patiently to blow her candles. Little Cieran helped too.. besides daddy! Ashley also enjoys distributing the cake to her guests. She seems to know that this is her 'task' being the host, and she is the last to have a bite on her piece of cake. Haha! Ashley had enjoyed herself very much, as well as Cieran. It's a wonderful day for me, when I see that my children enjoyed themselves. Their smiles warm my heart. :-)

Ashley's Birthday Presents!


Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday, Ashley! Hope Pri 1 has been manageable so far. Omg! Ashley looks so grown up (and tall) in the pics.

Happy family wor. Very sweet. Must catch up over lunch soon, SY!

BlueBo said...

Yes, time flies! Ashley has been liking school so far. We have no problem for her to adjust to Pri 1 since she is quite a extrovert girl. Our worries was more on Cieran settling down in the childcare then. But, now our worries are over coz he had now settled down well. :-)