Sunday, 14 December 2008

Meet our NEW member in the family-Golden!

Suddenly, there is a stirr to have a dog in the family. It all started from Joanne and Marcus who was keen to have a dog and went to farm for viewing. They are keen on Japanese Spitz who has low maintenance. Somehow, this topic arouse our interest.. and wonder why, the 'having dog germs' came to us, and I find myself hunting for dog adoption in the web. I suppose, Jeremy and I like dog and after much consideration, we feel that it will be easier for us to have one now. After much searching, we ended up visiting one fostering family who has a 11 month old Golden Retriever. this dog is named Golden, and has a rather pitiful story to tell. His owner bought him from a pet shop and have him for more than 6months with proper care, but later abandon him when they downgrade their house to HDB. I wonder how can the owner beared to do such to Golden who is so loving and always a joyful pet. Anyway, this fostering family rescue Golden and took him in while looking for a second home for him. By chance, I read the ad and arranged for a visit. We have no plans to have such a large breed dog in the family initially, but after much discussion and consideration, Jeremy & I decide to meet Golden with the children. Our priory concern will be the children's get-along with the dog, and if the dog can be independent when we are all out on weekdays. During the visit, a surprise...! Golden welcome us with his great smiles, excitement and charm. The children was neither afraid of him at all. Jeremy had fun with Golden by giving simple command, testing if he understands. Golden is great with children, he gets real excited and he run in and out with his tail waving happily. I had a chat with Josephine, the fostering owner, trying to understand more about Golden. It seems all clicked well, and it was arranged that Jo will bring Golden over our house for a trial stay. During our journey back home, Jeremy & I discussed about Golden... a decision was made soon after.. we are adopting Golden and a date was set on 14Dec after our Genting trip. But we didn't wait till 14... Jeremy was so eager to have Golden, and we eventually called Jo and arranged to pick Golden on 13Dec instead. Golden joined us around 9.45pm, where the kids are all slept. We arranged Golden to spent the night at the car pouch area. He barks and whines for our attention, well..his 1st night in a new environment and family, we can't blame him. The next morning, I made the children washes up before I introduce this new member. Ashley was excited, while Cieran doesn't know what's in store. Golden was happy to meet the children, he waved his tail non-stopped. We have planned for an outing initially, a breakfast & walk at East Coast.. but the rain spoil the plan. In the end, we had breakfast at Joanne & Marcus's condo. My sister who's keen to meet Golden. :-) A short outing for Golden. He has been behaving, and he understands simple commands which make the trip easy. He has no problem with car rides and in fact, he enjoys it. He enjoys being around with people, and recognised Jeremy as his owner. Whenever Jeremy makes a movement, he will be on his feet with his tail waving...always ready to follow. We are happy to have this new member in the family. He, and us, have to make some lifestyle adjustment... but I believed, we have a good start.


zeRi said...

Golden looks so cute and endearing. Looks like he's going to bring great joy into the family. Wud love to meet Golden one of these days :)


BlueBo said...

Sure... you are welcome to meet Golden. :-)