Monday, 27 October 2008

Some thoughts about my Job...

I joined International SOS on 2 June'08... it's been almost 5 months, and I have arranged 4 Product Induction Trainings to date. Suddenly, I have the thought that I should write something about my job, than mostly on my 2 little angels. I have enjoyed my work so far, with the 'no travel' as priority. At this stage where my kids are young, travelling around is no longer my priority. Unless, travelling foor leisure, that's a total different story. Hehe! :-") Anyway, arranging regional trainings in Singapore (or across APAC) has always been my job profile, besides a minor portion of delivering. In this company, the administration is definitely not a challenge for me. However, I enjoyed working with several nice people in the company. As a medical service business, it's not always the case to work with nice people (if you get what I mean), afterall they are the 'Professionals'. But, I have encounter high professionals like doctors with heavy weights (Medical Director, Group MDs, GMs..etc), they are humble and courteous people. While planning the training agenda, very often I have to work closely and communicate with specialists regarding the training agenda and very luckily, I have not encounter any difficulties working with them. Coordination work can be such a hassle when comes to confirming sessions with presenters, get their responses etc, but I have been performing all such smoothly. I believed this is part of the company culture that has been nurtured. Among all the companies that I have been into, if I need to rank them (don't consider the hospitality inductries), Nokia is the No 1, International SOS is No 2, Cargill No 3. Nokia wins by good employees' welfare with longer annual leaves, flexible benefits package and shortest working hours (9-5pm officially!). They have really taken in to account of employees' welbeing, with a working gym in the office, and facilities for breast-feeding working mums. Not many companies equip themselves with such facilities. I like to comment that working in Cargill is an eye-opener for me. I was exposed to travelling, especially visits to business such as oil plantation in Malaysia, animal nutrition farm (in Siam Valley Thailand). It was definitely an experience that last. Back to Int'l SOS... besides sales & marketing training, I am also handling medics training. Unfortunately, I have not been very much involved with the doctors attachments in the MAC (medical alarm center). Eunice has been taking care of that since I am rather tied up with new profiles. Oh... 1 new program under my care recently was the PGEMC (Program in General Emergency and Medical Care) which was co-host by SGH PGMI, DUKE NUS and Duke University. It was a 4 year CE (Continuous Eduction) program, and we had the pilot session in Oct. This was a new challenge.... If you asked me what I like in my job, it will be : the flexibility in training and I enjoy getting to know a lot of people across the different regions. What I dislike will be : the entertainments which I prefer not to attend during training periods. BUT, where to find a perfect job to match a person's liking? ..... can't complain much...haha!

Sabrina... a "Long Time No See" friend....

It was a nice surprise when Sabrina contacted me that she will have a meeting in Batam and we could meet during her meeting trip. It's been so long since I last meet up with her in Singapore!.... I think it must have a least 3 years. I look forward to this meet up, and have been thinking...what could be a nice gift for her. Thanks to my few colleagues who gave several suggestions, and in the end, I bought a pack of our local bak kwa for her. That day (24 October'08), finally we met up... at my place. Both Ashley and Cieran was still active and usually sleep later than usual on a Friday. We have a nice chat with Ashley-the little host, happily showing Sabrina her baby photos, delivering drink to her... Cieran on the other hand, was always 'disturbing'. He is either jumping up and down, crawling around, or trying to snatch things from us. Ashley played a memory game with Sabrina while I am trying to keep Cieran away from them. It was a cosy and nice gathering, however time is short. Look at the photo of Sabrina and me! It was taken by Ashley. Not bad yah? She managed to capture all of us in a 'rather perfect angle', plus... Cieran is smiling happily! A pity that Sabrina has another appointment with friends for pepper crab thus not able to stay long. We drove her back to Aljunied mrt where she meets her friends. On our way home, the 2 kids went to dreamland in the car....

Thursday, 9 October 2008

The Kit-Kok...Kit-Kok....

Kit-kok....Kit-Kok.....where's this coming from? You'll never missed this scene happening in the house, or in fact almost anywhere when there's little Cieran around. Little Cieran is in action! He simply likes to "ride a horse" at this stage. He could, from sitting position, push himself to stand with hands holding on something, and starts shaking himself forward and backwards. Alternatively, he could at sitting position, do the same kit-kok movements. He is a forever-not- tired baby. Active and mischievuous....haha! Coz he has that 'naughty' smiles....
Cieran is a boy without fears. He could released his hands from standing position and fall backwards! You always have to keep a closed eye on this active boy. But, he knows when he can do such, and when he's not suppose to. On hard surface, I have witness him instead of realsing his hands, he bends down, and slowly move himself from standing position, to sitting. Unlike when he's standing on my bed, he just let go and allowing himself fall backwards, on the bed. Not a silly little boy afterall...haha! Cieran enjoys rides in those springy scooter at playground and never afriad of falling. Ashley at his age never enjoy such ride. Cieran also enjoys those moving rides (where you need to put coin in). It's a joy watching the little one at play. Time flies, Cieran is 10months now and soon...will be a year old. His first words are "jie jie", no matter how hard I try to tecah him the word "mummy"...I just ave to be patient. ;-0 Most of the times when I bringCieran out for play, comments I received from other parents are "He's a big boy at his age", "he's tall"....true, Cieran weighs 9.6kg now with a above average height since birth. This is good news I suppose, coz guys are suppose to be tall to be charming. I look forward to Novemember, not coz it's my birthday... but it's little Cieran's. He's turning 1 in November. I have been busy at work with numerious trainig programs, once they are cleared, it's tim eto plan for Cieran's 1st birthday bash... can't wait! :-)