Thursday, 12 June 2008

Cieran turns 6moths, I am back to work..what's more changes?

Time flies when you witness the development of your child. Cieran is 6 months already. Great changes in the family during this month. With just one decision to get back to workforce, the whole family needs to reschedule our routine. First, a consideration who's going to look after Cieran when I am at work. I remember the numerous discussions had with Jeremy, my parents and in laws. It's tremendous stress trying to find the best arrangement for Cieran. We even explored the idea of getting a maid in the house. Despite my reluctant, I give in to explore this option after much persuasion from Jeremy, especially since I can't find any good alternatives. We visited several maid agencies, finding out what's the procedure, fees in hiring a maid. I am surprised that I need to attend a online course and passed the test (with at least 80%) before I am eligible to employ a maid. Nevertheless, this is not difficult task, what worries me is "Must I really employ a maid in the house?'. Several days, I ponder on this issue-Do I need a maid a solution for us... maid in the house-what adjustments I have to make in the house for this additional member, what rules to set, how to prepare my children to accept this change..etc. For many days, I have sleepless nights. Being a mother, you have more worries and think more than any other man. Jeremy wonders why I am so stressed over this matter and feels that I think too much on the negative side in getting a maid, but how can I not to? It's always easier for a man in making a decision-they are rational and practical. Women are always more emotional thus worry more. That's the difference between a man and a woman. Probably that's why it makes a couple, to compliment each other since each has it's own strengths and weakness.
Nevertheless, I am glad that we have solved the problem and found the best arrangements for Cieran. After much discussions with my parents, it was agreed that mum will quit her job for good and look after my children. In return, I cover her an salary in addition to the monthly allowance for parents. Cieran will be full time care under mum, and Ashley's school bus will route to her place as well so that someone is around to pick her and attend to her dinner needs. After my work, I will proceed to mum place for dinner and bring Ashley home. Cieran being young age will stays overnight at mum till he's older, before I brings him home every night. No point I bring him home now where all I can do with him is to pat him to bed. Instead, I utilised the time (which is a real short time of about an hour) with Ashley to do some activity learning and read stories before sending her to bed.
As for the maid that we have earlier booked, we cancelled the service with a penalty charge of $100. Though a price to pay for nothing ($100 penalty, $30 for online course and test), I am glad that all fits in well now. For this matter, I am very happy that Jeremy gave me his full support on the ultimate decision we made. He may be practical, but ultimately he care most for this family-which I can feel it.

Hey... I scored 98/100 for the demestic test! Not bad right?? Haha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sook Yee,

Nice pics of Cieran. He is so cute! Anyway, your blog is really well written. Can feel the emotions and struggles.

The final decision seems the best! Having family to take care is always better than an outsider. I also dun really approve of maids.

Anyway, so Cieran is staying overnight at your Mum's place. Bet you (and Jeremy) will miss him a lot hoh.