Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Cieran Full Month Celebration-22 Dec 2007

The day has come! I have finally endured my 'confinement sufferings' and it's coming to an end. Well, somehow I don't enjoy confinement like many others. Cieran's full month celebration was fixed on 22 Dec, in order to have it on a weekends. As the date was closed to Christmas, getting catering was a challenge. Many caterers only offer Christmas menu and the price was higher than any normal days. Fortunately I found a catering leaflets in the mummy bag that hospital gave...somethings such ads in the mummy bags does have it's advantage. :-) Melrose was a caterer that specialized in full month menu. Price is reasonable with menu that include red eggs and ang ku kueh. It saved the hassle of getting these on my own. The day was busy in the morning. As per custom, I have to cut Cieran's hair, gave him a nice shower with pamelo leaves and changed him into a set of new clothing. This is the 1st time I cut a baby's hair. During Ashley time, mum did that for me as I don't have the experience in handling an infant. After dressing up, we drove to my in laws and perform the praying session. We visited guan yin temple before headed back home to get ready in receiving friends and relatives for the full month celebration. It's Cieran's 1st meet ups with so many people. He's happily in his dreamland without any fuss. The day end with laughter and joy, though we are all tired.... :-)

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Baby Cieran is out on 26 Nov 2007 to see the world...

25 Nov 2007, 2.30am...I realised water dripping and wet my panty. What happened? Why can't I control my own urine?... I was wondering. Is this what people say, water bag burst? I have no idea.. though this is my 2nd pregnancy, I have never experience any contraction, any natural symptoms before. Ashley was under selective ceasarean. I called the emergency line in my gynae appointment card to clear my doubts. The nurse advise me to monitor if there will be any show or contractions and I should go to the hospital immediately if I feel something amiss. I was in a mess. Ashley is asleep, Jeremy is out-stationed...I am alone. Cieran's EDD was suppose to be on 19Dec, isn't this too early? Nevertheless, I packed my hospital bag hurriedly, and called mum for help. I have to put Ashley at her place before I can proceed to the hospital. Given no choice as Jeremy is not around, Marcus drive me to Mount Elizabeth. My panty remains wet... this is really ironical! Instantly I became famous in the hospital (my sister in A&E) while I was wheeled to delivery suite. Night shift nurses knew 'our story'.
At the delivery suite, the nurse was surprised that I am alone without hubby with me. What to do? I have to be brave at this point in time. It was 3.40am then.. and I slowly can feel the contractions coming. My god! It's really uncomfy. I made the decision to have epidural and the nurse went to make the arrangements in contacting the respective doctors. Should I call and wake Jeremy? No... what can he do? He wont be able to be back anyway to help me. I have to face this delivery myself. I pray to the Buddha to give me strength.
Waited till around 4.40am, I took the epidural and the contraction pains slowly eased. However , my two legs started to feel numb and discomfort. Every 2 hours, the nurse need to help me turn my body for the medication to flow. I wonder how long do I have to wait... gosh! my cervix only open 2cm. Dr Kowa (my gynae) visit me at 10am.. bet he knows I won't be delivering so soon. He checked and my cervix is still at 2cm. He instructed to induce me to speed up the opening process since my water bag had burst, I have to deliver. Again, I waited for the time Cieran will be out... what a long wait alone in the room. Almost doze off...when 3 murses and my gynae appear again. Without my expectation and preparation, my gynae say it's time! Wah Lau... !!! I have mixed feelings. In my heart, I am happy that I need not have to wait any longer and I get to see Cieran soon.. but yet there is another fear feeling in me. I don't know what to expect in a natural birth. Everything was so fast! I saw the nurse preparing Dr Kowa, getting the neccessary equipments. Dr Kowa was indeed a very jourvial doctor, he crack jokes with nurses. They are like 'performing' an ordinary play while I curiously watched. Dr Kowa told me, '...we will make it for natural, proved to your hubby you can do it....'All takes about 10mins.... and there! I was holding baby Cieran in my arms. I can't explained that moment of joy. It was so touching that I am in tears-tears of joy. I am really glad that I finally experience a natural birth with own child in my hands the moment baby is out. The nurse asked if there's a camera to take a photo for rememberance... A pity I don't have one. I didn't prepare any...well, I was already in a mess, unprepared for such 'SURPRISE'. 3.30pm Cieran is out to see the world. He didn't cry, nor open his eyes... he's fast asleep in my arms . Till the nurse took him away for cleaning, he cries. Probably coz being disturbed from sleep..haha! In the warmer, he opens both his eyes looking around... what a cute baby. I took a photo of him peeping with my mobile, still lying on my bed in the delivery suite. That's the only 1st photo I have. I have to stay in the room longer than anyone else, under observation. According to Dr Kowa, there's many small veins near my vagina area and he would prefer a longer observation time. There, I started calling mum about the news..and of course to Jeremy too. By 6pm, I can finally pushed to normal ward. I am happy that I have fulfill 2 wishes. 1) Natutal Birth 2) got single-bed ward. To you, I may be silly... but to me, the 2 wishes meant a lot. ;-) Cieran weighs 3.28kg and was born on 26 Nov 2007, 15.40hrs. Bed no 4428.