Monday, 29 October 2007

Halloween Party @ My Gym

Ashley has been waiting for this day-28 Oct! She's going to dress like a princess to attend Yi Ma's invitation on Halloween Party at My Gym. She has been begging me to get her princess costume when she first saw the Halloween costume corner at Carrefour. It was too expensive($29.90) and we didn't get one for her then. Nevertheless, I found a cheaper one at Toys S' Rus and bought her a set as her Birthday present. It was pouring heavily on our way to My Gym, but that didn't spoil the fun mood. Ashley is all ready to PARTY! The party started off with free play so that the children gets familiar with one another and the environment. Ashley and Vernon are having lots of fun, especially climbing up and down the ball pit. Soon, one by one the children in their costume arrived... it's sure interesting to see the children all dressed up with smiles on their face. There's dracula, fairies, superman, mechanic robot, fireman and even pirate! The lead teacher summon the children to the red circle and the official program starts. Look at how attentive the children are! Listening to instructions that the teacher gave. The children take turn to introduce themselves with names, after which they are suppose to run fast 1 run from the red circle in order not to be caught by the 'ghost'. Next, it was a dressing up game. The children are divided into 2 groups and they are to select a model in their team and dress him/her up into a scary 'monster' with the craft materials given. The children are all so excited. Looking at the two monsters, which team do you think is the winner? The next activity is to make a goodies bag. Each child is given some craft materials, following the guidance of the teacher and create own goodies bag. Ashley and Vernon are very engrossed. Same goes for the other children... they didn't even realise that a 'ghost' was hunting at them.

All the children enjoyed the crafting session. They are given all the freedom to express their creativityy in art work. Each child take pride in their art work. The party goes into next section with is balancing game. Again into groups and they have to pass the ball to each member in extreme care. The faster the team completes, will be the winner. It may be real easy for us adults, but for the children, this definitely will be challenging for them. Look at Vernon! He is balancing his ball in full concentration and extreme care. Every child gets their turn in the game. The party is almost coming to an end now... before that, the children gets to put their goodies bags in good use. 2 Pinatas are hung up and the children gets to pull the strings.... whether it's TRICKS or TREATS... they'll know soon. Looking at the happy faces of the children... seems like it's treats!!!Every children's goodies bags are full of TREATS

Party always ends with a group photo.... say 'EEEEEE... TRICKS or TREATS....! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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