Thursday, 21 June 2007

Ashley @ Cookie Workshop organised by KookyArt

It was a rainy day on 16 June'07...nevertheless, it never stopped us from going to the cookie workshop. In fact, both Mummy n Ashley are looking forward to this workshop. The workshop is from 3-5pm, comprises of storytelling by writer Adeline Koh, followed by cookie making & decorating. We are 'lucky' that we are late (we reached at 3.10pm), yet we are one of the early-bird! Ashley got a early-bird present of Kooky Art apron! It was a wonderful Story-telling session with lots of interactions with the writer. Ashley love the stories, thus I bought the 2 books (at 10% discount) direct from Adeline. It's a rare opportunity for Ashley to have a face-to-face interaction with writer and get her autograph sign in her new books. Next, it's cookie making time! Look at Ashley...all dressed up & getting ready! The other kids as well! They are all very excited over what's coming next. Total, there are 8 little tots in this workshop. Firstly, the instructor lay down
her rules (which works well for the children). They are suppose to watch and listen, before they could lay their hands on the cookie ingredients. Mummies like me are also learning at the same time! To me, besides the basic cookie making skills (which I doubt the lids can remember the steps, but who cares!-Fun is most important), it's also a good opportunity to learn about colour concepts. Eg, they get to mix food colourings such as red and blue... and they get to see the colour turns purple. Having hands-on is always the best learning experience for children.
With little help from me, Ashley managed to decorate icing on 2 cookies as shown in the above pic (butterfly and flower) and she is working on her 3rd cookie. She's already asking me if she can eat them! Haha... well, cookies are Ashley's favorite snacks! I have to remind her that one of the rules that Auntie Isabella (instructor) says was not to eat in class. Ashley was one of the 'fast' student, thus she was given an extra cookie to work on. Now, she is decorating the birthday cake. She named it : The Rainbow Cake'. Adding the sprinkles sure made her cookie looks more yummy! In total, Ashley had made 5 cookies-butterfly, flower, tree, star and birthday cake.
Here's her final product!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great you started your blog! Now we can read up on you though we are no longer colleagues (but frens!)

Ashley looks good on the pics! Starting to learn how to pose in front of the camera yo!

~ Keri ~

Btw, I got the first comment for your blog!