Monday, 5 November 2007

Family Gathering @ Costa Sand Pasir Ris Chalet

1-3 Nov, a day that we have been looking forward to... after all I have booked this chalet since May under the HSBC credit card promotion (50% discount). Finally the day has come after long months of counting down... We have lots of food prepared for the BBQ... there are pork & mutton satay, salad, chicken wings, prawns, chicken curry, sweet corns, sweet potatoes, pork chops, beef slice, fish, quail eggs and fish balls for the kids etc. Wow! So many food... we are all going to gain several kilos within a day! Never mind, so long as we all have fun, who cares about weight now? It's an opportunity for family to gather together to enjoy and relax. The kids are definitely having lots of fun together. They amused themselves in their own games while the adults have their privacy chat. It is very coincidence that there are 4 family members whose birthdays fall in November. We never realised it.. till mum (who never forgets anyone's birthday) distributed us the red packets she prepared for us. How can we missed taking a photo as memento? The next day, Ashley and mummy was the earliest to wake up. While the rest are still piggy-ing, we went out for a walk at the Pasir Ris Park and explore the facilities in chalet. I took several photos of Ashley who has lots of poses. Looking at her, I feel that time really flies! When Vernon wakes up, I arranged the 'little couple' to have breakfast outside the chalet. They both have cornflakes and yogurt drink for breakfast. After some rest, we bought the kids to the swimming pool for water fun. The kids are excited to put on their new swimming costume. The weather was good-not so sunny, plus the pool is empty with no crowd. I suppose the majority could still be in bed.

Back to chalet, after washing up, it's card games! The fun never ends! As we have some raw food left last night, we decide we will BBQ the leftovers again for dinner. The 'satay man' seems professional, but wonder if his satay taste good? Looking at his satays... it sure seems yummy!

Next morning, we drove to Downtown East and had McDonalds for breakfast. The kids' favourite! Afterwhich, we walk around the premises. Downtown East had put on some Christmas decoration. The theme seems to be fairy tales. I can see there's Jack and the bean stalk, Rumbestilskin....Before we proceed to check out, the kids have their last fun riding the electronic vehicles.

Monday, 29 October 2007

Halloween Party @ My Gym

Ashley has been waiting for this day-28 Oct! She's going to dress like a princess to attend Yi Ma's invitation on Halloween Party at My Gym. She has been begging me to get her princess costume when she first saw the Halloween costume corner at Carrefour. It was too expensive($29.90) and we didn't get one for her then. Nevertheless, I found a cheaper one at Toys S' Rus and bought her a set as her Birthday present. It was pouring heavily on our way to My Gym, but that didn't spoil the fun mood. Ashley is all ready to PARTY! The party started off with free play so that the children gets familiar with one another and the environment. Ashley and Vernon are having lots of fun, especially climbing up and down the ball pit. Soon, one by one the children in their costume arrived... it's sure interesting to see the children all dressed up with smiles on their face. There's dracula, fairies, superman, mechanic robot, fireman and even pirate! The lead teacher summon the children to the red circle and the official program starts. Look at how attentive the children are! Listening to instructions that the teacher gave. The children take turn to introduce themselves with names, after which they are suppose to run fast 1 run from the red circle in order not to be caught by the 'ghost'. Next, it was a dressing up game. The children are divided into 2 groups and they are to select a model in their team and dress him/her up into a scary 'monster' with the craft materials given. The children are all so excited. Looking at the two monsters, which team do you think is the winner? The next activity is to make a goodies bag. Each child is given some craft materials, following the guidance of the teacher and create own goodies bag. Ashley and Vernon are very engrossed. Same goes for the other children... they didn't even realise that a 'ghost' was hunting at them.

All the children enjoyed the crafting session. They are given all the freedom to express their creativityy in art work. Each child take pride in their art work. The party goes into next section with is balancing game. Again into groups and they have to pass the ball to each member in extreme care. The faster the team completes, will be the winner. It may be real easy for us adults, but for the children, this definitely will be challenging for them. Look at Vernon! He is balancing his ball in full concentration and extreme care. Every child gets their turn in the game. The party is almost coming to an end now... before that, the children gets to put their goodies bags in good use. 2 Pinatas are hung up and the children gets to pull the strings.... whether it's TRICKS or TREATS... they'll know soon. Looking at the happy faces of the children... seems like it's treats!!!Every children's goodies bags are full of TREATS

Party always ends with a group photo.... say 'EEEEEE... TRICKS or TREATS....! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Monday, 15 October 2007

Istana Open House-An Eye Opener!

13 Oct Sat, Selamat Hari Raya! It was Istana open house and we decided to go take a walk. Meeting Joanne and Marcus (my 2nd sister n hubby) at Plaza Singapura as early as 8.30am! Ashley and mummy was excited. We set our journey by taking bus to Toa Payoh and changed MRT to Dhoby Ghart. We have arranged to have breakfast then a walk at Istana. Well, was thinking maybe breakfast at Long John Silver... but who knows, I discovered a new breakfast place with pricing similar to MacDonald. It was Cafe Cartel... their breakfast menu looks yummy. As we are early, I made the decision to try out Cafe Cartel (in fact, it was Joanne who's late) We were greeted warmly by the restaurant staff. Not many patrons yet, probably it's public holidays. The staff was very friendly. She gave an introduction on the breakfast menu. The photos on the menu all looks so yummy that I couldn't decide what to have.. thus I leave the job to little Ashley. She was frickle-minded too. She choose from waffles to toast. In the end, we set on American breakfast set which includes toast, scramble eggs, bacon, sausage, muffin and coffee/tea. I topped up 50cents to change to hot chocolate. I think the set is value for money compared to MacDonald. The ambiance was good, with friendly staff and they have free-flow of fresh hot bread. Hummm... unfortunately Jeremy wasn't around to join us. While we were enjoying our breakfast... my sister and Marcus finally arrived. :-p It was their first time having breakfast at Cafe Cartel too. They too, feel that the breakfast is value for money. The set portion is huge, plus price is like MacDonald.
After breakfast, we stroll along to Istana. It was free for locals, and foreigners pay a minimal fees for entrance. The amount will be donated to charity. Not a huge crowd yet, but consider quite many people visiting Istana on a early Saturday morning. As security, there's the usual checks on bags and we have to walk across the scan machine. I am fascinated by the gate at entrance...not unique design, but I think it looks rather grand and serious. Along the way, there's police providing guidance (if needed) and directions. They weren't a bit serious at all.. instead, some put on smiles which is rather different from the usual serious guards you see at Istana. Along the way, there's also booth selling simple Istana souvenirs where the sum where the sum will be donated to charity. I spotted a map displayed by the booth, and took a photo of it. It shows some interesting sights found in Istana. Ashley noticed a traffic light and asked me why the traffic light was so small... Hummm... true enough.. why is there a traffic light found inside Istana park? Amazed by it, I took a photo with Ashley by the traffic lights. Notice the traffic lights have only 2 colours? It was quite a walk inside... Istana is so huge! Our first stop is the swan lake. We spotted two wonderful white swans swimming by the lotus pond. I highlighted the big lotus leaves to Ashley. It's my 1st time to see such big lotus leaves myself. Next, we past another gate and enter to the other portion of Istana garden. Ashley noticed a playground area up the hill and happily asked if she can play there. Well, how can I say no to her little request.. afterall, she has been a good girl walking quite a long 'journey' in Istana. She happily run over towards the playground...but slipped and fall down on the wet grass. That's how Ashley got the 'soil stain' on her clothes. She doesn't look that happy now..haha! Next stop, we arrived at the cannon. I realized the cannon was aiming straight at Raffles City. I wonder if there's some meaning to it-maybe some 'fengsui'?? The weather is turning real dark and we quickly fasten our walk to the main building before it pours over our heads. We aim towards Istana building... faster..faster... Indeed the rain pours heavily. Lucky Marcus is around. He carried Ashley and managed to avoid the rain pouring at her. Entering the Istana main building requires a $2 ticket. Since we are here for Istana, there's no reason why we skipped this touring. The Istana was beautiful with many crystal chandeliers. I only managed to take a photo from outside as no photography was allowed inside the building. Inside Istana, there's a wide collection of paintings and ornaments which are gifts from countries over the world. Also, there are displays of memorable and historical medals. In Istana, there's a total of 3 levels, and you will be surprised to find lifts inside Istana. Not just 1 lift, but there's 4! The lifts outlook are rather 'traditional' but it sure have it's grand look. You can imagine the maintenance done in Istana-not a bit of dust can be found! Hummm... I wonder about the cost and number of cleaners needed.... The State Room has it coldness and marvellous look. It's not difficult to imagine the stress of reporters if they are sent to conduct an interview, or witness some ministers/government discussion in this room. At the far center stage of the room sits the government chair with the country's flag and government flag on left and right. Right in the middle of the State room sits a circle of chairs where the 'serious discussion' will be held, with coffee tables all lay with china glass. The setting makes the room look real cold and serious-no joke or mess are allowed in the room. A major was in the room, however not in his usual serious look. He's in smiles and answer any questions you may have, regarding the State room, or Istana. Several foreigners raised their queries to that major. As the rain is still pouring heavily outside, we have no choice but to stay in Istana till the rain stops. Many others did the same. It's rare that we get this opportunity to stay inside Istana this long. Out of boredom, I took a photo showing the bad weather in Istana. We waited for an hour before we finally see the sun and able to continue our walk. Didn't manage to take front view of Istana... now is the chance! I am rather proud of my photography skills! Haha! Don't you think this photo looks like a postcard? I took several photos on the large garden around Istana.

golf course inside Istana!

Before we end the walk inside Istana, we took a last photo together!
Part 2 : Swim at Sunshine Regency
On our way home, my sister tempted Ashley to go to her house for a swim. Ashley was excited and keep begging me to let her go. Not wanting to disappoint her, we make a quick stop home to pick her swimming costume and proceed to my sister's house. Ashley was trilled. She holds her swim suit (refused to put in my bag) and along the way, persuading uncle Marcus to join them for the swim. Ashley cannotwait to go to the pool. However, it's not kids pool, thus she's not able get into the water (it was 1.2m high!). There's a float chair by the pool, so she tried on the float instead. While they are having fun in the pool, I read a magazine by the side. Kinda relaxing.. a pity I can't join them as I don't have maternity swim suit. Ashley sure have lots of fun though she's not inside the water. Look at her happy face, you'll know!