Tuesday, 13 July 2010

An Animal Project!

The theme for this month is about animals. The school had planned for a parent-child bonding competition with this theme, and that's to create an animal using re-cycling materials. This is the 1st time Cieran and I will sit together on a 'project' I called it, and I want to create an impression for his learning. I browsed through the net and check what I can find for kids' craft under this theme...You will not be surprised by the numerous choices to go for. I remembered Ashley and I made a cat out of tissue box on a similar project by Carpe Diem when she was in N2 or so.. I decided to create a different one with Cieran. I selected lion, elephant and mouse for Cieran to choose. I reckon he will pick elephant as that's his favourite animal and indeed I was right. The next couple of days, I ponder on the materials that we will need for this craft and started to collect them, ready for weekends where we can work on the craft. Not too difficult as I already have 2 bottles of green tea drink in my fridge, I just need to clear them and use that for elephant's feet. As for the body, I had a large bottle as well... one that I used to water my plants, which can be used for this craft purposes. For a moment, I felt I am rather creative...haha! On Sat, after sending Ashley off for her YOG rehearsal, I started to plan for the craft project with Cieran. Cieran is extremely happy that he is going to make an elephant with him. Happily, he helped me with the preparations...like carrying the ikea chair outdoor, laying the newspaper over it. He is definitely excited over this project. As for mummy, I am busy walking in and out, up and down, getting all needed materials ready. It wasn't easy cutting the bottles into half... eventually I ended up using the fire at cooking stove to melt the plastic... which was a good idea... as the 2 feet came out well and evenly 'cut' with a nice shape. Next, we are busy fixing the shape of the elephant, adding his nose (using a book binder) and ears. As paint doesn't goes well on to a smooth surface, such as on the bottles, I have to think of a way to have the paints on. I could be a genius coming out an idea of wetting the newspapers, sticking them on, as a based for the entire elephant before I put the paints on. Next moment, Cieran was busying helping me with more newspaper, and tearing them in pieces, throwing them into the pail of water. He had fun tearing and mixing them with water, while I scope them up and stick them on the elephant. Indeed, this is a good opportunity to bond with Cieran which I hardly have such time. I looked at his happy face, and it filled me up with joy. I have missed such bonding time with him alone, doing something together. We spent more than an hour 'fixing' this elephant and eventually, the draft was ready for drying. Cieran was really happy and had many praises on his very own elephant. When Ashley was home from her rehearsal, Cieran immediately hold her hand, showing his sister his elephant. He did the same when Jeremy came home. "Nice? Nice elephant..... I made with mummy".... he would say. What a cute little boy. Sun, we beautify the elephant with grey paints. It looked more like an elephant with the rightful colour on. What was missing will be the eyes and tusks. What can we used for that purposes?.... buttons came into my mind. Yes! Buttons for the eyes... and... macaroni for the tusks. I went off to search for buttons.. and the kids are excited wanting to help. Unfortunately I am not a person that will keep stock of buttons and we only managed to locate 3 buttons of different colours and sizes. Haha! We could use them, but they made the elephant look a little silly with 1 eye big and the other small. Cieran doesn't mind, but I told him we could find more at Po Po house. As such, we decide to add the eyes and tusks on Mon, after checking on Po Po's stock. Haha... and we did! The elephant was complete... finally.. on Mon evening. See! Doesn't it look like an elephant??

Cieran is full of joy!