Thursday, 18 December 2008

A Family Investigating Task...

It was one of the usual walk that Jeremy had with Golden, and I was doing the laundry when there was a big 'hoo-ha' by the gate...and Ashley shouted to me "Mummy, another Golden!"... Out of curiosity, I went out with Cieran with me to have a look... Where?? I didn't see any. Jeremy told me there's 2 dogs and he had seen them roaming around. Oh no..could it be one of those abandon cases? I walked out in search of the dogs with Ashley happily following behind. But we have lost them. I can't let them go roaming in the streets, but having Cieran with me was in the way. So, I went back home and get Jeremy to search for them. Jeremy and Ashley became detectors walking around hunting for the 2 dogs, while I anxiously waiting by the gate. It was fortunate that Jeremy managed to lure them over to our house. The 2 dogs were without collar and leash... no humans was with them... We keep looking around for potential owners, but no one was around the area. We found 1 beautiful golden retriever, male and 1 mixed shih tzu, female. Golden was excited over his new friends and keeps barking to go over. I can't blame him.. due to lack of man power, we have to tie Golden by the gate lah... I have a quick check on the 2 dogs, no injuries. They seems to have roamed for quite a long while. I offered food and water to them, but only the shih tzu ate hungrily. The golden retriever refused to eat, but drinks lots of water. I suspect they are in adulthood, rather old age by judging their teeth. We waited by the gate for a while, but no one was walking by looking for dogs... what shall we do now? We have to let them stay for the night. The lost GR (we named him Jack) is rather aggressive when Golden goes near. He barks loudly and attempts to bite. Poor Golden was only playful (still a young adult) and wants to be friends. On other hand, the shih tzu always follow the Jack around and looks tamed. We tested Jack, he understands commands and thus, definitely a trained dog. Since Golden and Jack can't be together, we have to put Jack and shih tzu in the crate for the night. The night was spent on how to settle the dogs and what should we do next. The next morning is a tough challenge. We have to think of ways to bring the 3 dogs for outdoor walk (to do business). That was not an easy task... Jeremy tried to bring Golden and Jack together, but shih tzu barks to follow. In the end, they have to take turns and we wasted lots of time doing that. We left the house late, but fortunately it was year end and we are not in hurry compared to other days. The morning in the office was busy for me. Not for work though.. but busy contacting SPCA, ASD, Pets Channel forum, trying all means to locate owner and find fostering homes. Through the process, I learnt several new things. One such is, advertising in classified for lost & found pets in straits times was free! The response in pet channel was great. Many helpful dog lovers responded to my announcement and have offer to help in fostering shih tzu. Finding fostering for Jack will be more challenging due to HDB ruling and I am worried if we can ever find one kind soul to take him in. Jeremy and I couldn't handle 3 dogs definitely, yet we are reluctant to send them to SPCA. We have set a dateline till 22Dec, in hope to find the best options for them, before the last resort to SPCA. The day was spent more on spreading the words around... In the evening, whole family went for a hunting walk. Well, we need all members to be out with 3 dogs together lah... Jeremy takes care f Golden who is strong and always wanting to go near Jack...Cieran is placed in stroller with me pushing on one hand, and the other hand with Jack, leaving shih tzu following behind. Ashley's job is to guard on shih tzu, ensuring him following the troupe. What a scene! The walk was a longer one.. with several challenges. Along the way, we met some couples walking their dog also, thus we need to hold on the the GRs tightly. We also met families with little children where we have to avoid in fear that children will be afraid of dogs (esp when shih tzu is not latch on). Really a interested investigating task...On positive side, the whole family member has one common task to perform! The walk was put on an end when we didn't locate any potential owners searching for their missing dogs, so we headed home and offer the dogs food and water. Jack and shih tzu has to be in the crate to spent the night. I get worried as they will have to be cramp in the crate for long hours again. But while in deep conversation with Jeremy, the door bell rang. 2 maids claimed to be the owners. Jeremy verified their identity (asking for dogs' description, their address etc..) before we open the gate. Indeed, Jack seems to recognise them. I am glad that they have found their owners and going back to where they belonged to. Thank goodness that this was not a case on abandon which appear to be so common especially during a recession. Jeremy & I were so relief and finally, we are back to our own routine. The night was a rejoice one with a peaceful sleep! YES!!!!

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Cieran's first stamp on his passport - To Genting!

This is our first family self-drive trip. It has been a surprise that the self-drive was initiated by Jeremy. He has never been so adventureous... especially to a place he has never been before. I have been suggesting self-drive trip in Australia where finding whereabouts is easy, but he has never been keen. This time, he inisisted on self-drive despite my several attempts of suggesting to take coach up (just to disturb him and fitering if he is firm). Anyway, I supported the idea as it will be easier since Cieran will be seated nicely on his own car seat during the journey. If we take coach, I believed it will be a torture for us, having to 'control' this rascel during the journey. He can never sit down properly if he is not belt up! Our plan is to travel on 21-23Dec, and back just in time to celebrate Christmas. But in the end, my sisters' joined in the trip and we made changes on the travel dates to suit all... After much hassle in getting the room reservations (full booked due to peak periods), we ended up travelling on 8-10Dec, under promotional rates of RM138.80 including entry (2 tickets each room) to Dreamz show. We started our journey early on 8Dec, meeting place my house at 5.30am in fear that there will be jam at the custom (due to PH-Hari Raya). We have been disturbing that Grace family will be the last to arraive and late due to past experiences, but suprisingly they arrived before Joanne & Marcus! The overnight heavy rain didn't spoil our plans much, the kids are excited over the trip... They are the most 'HAPPY' kids stuffed with snacks & drinks, seated in the back roll, watching their children's programmes! We may be a little time delayed as planned, but the custom was clear and we arrived JB-Kulai for breakfast stop around 7.30am. Marcus, being at his hometown recommend us the coffeeshop that sells nice big pork buns. Indeed, the buns are huge.. which I have not seen them in Singapore before! After breakfast, we made a stop at the 'da bo gong' temple, one that Jeremy wished to visit. Not many of us are keen, but since we are at Kulai and we are early, so we make an extra stop. Jeremy is really serious in his praying...haha... while the rest of us busy taking some photos. We took about 3 hours to reach KL, stopping over for lunch at long-lost restaurant, A&W! Missed the root beer in mug... thus we all agreed to have A&W. But disappointment that this small outlet doesnt served in mug... chey! After lunch, we took on the journey, but was lost..haha! Somehow we exit the wrongly in the highway, and was in KL somewhere.... we stopped by a small hotel to ask for direction... and back on the roads. Malaysia road signs can't compare to Singapore... they are not easy to read, the signs go missing halfway in the highway...leaving you no clue where you are and heading to. Nonetheless, we managed to locate the way with our map (that doesnt state in details which road to proceed). Thru guess and instinct, very fortunately, we found our way. In total, it took us 9 hours (from start with stopovers) to arrive in Genting! Eventually it's the North-South Ipoh Highway that brings us to Genting, though we started from South in KL. It was a tremendous crowd when we arrived at the hotel lobby! I pressume it is due to the rain that has drawn all the crowds indoor. It's a long queue waitng for our rooms, we wiated 4 hours! By the time we settled the bags, it's almost 7.30pm. We decide to go for a hearty meal at Ah Yat Abalone Restauarnt before the show-Dreamz. Yippee! Enjoyed abalone meal with price so much cheaper than dining in Singapore. Jeremy feels the ache being a practical man...haha! I keep reminding him that the cost is in ringgit. :-p After dinner, we went for the Dreamz show which turns out to be a real good one. It's like a circles with a theme/story. It's our first time to see live performance by white tigers/lions. A pity that towards the end of the show, the kids are tired and Jeremy & I have to sneak out without completing the whole performance. Heard from my sisters, it was really good. But looking at the soundly asleep children, we have to make this a miss in exchange of a good night sleep for them. Next day was equip with outdoor fun at the themepark. It has been years since I last play on the rides (since 1999! wow!). The childern was defintely in excitement. The first ride they have is Merry-Go-Round... wow.. that's one of my favourite when I am a kid... the memory flashes upon me which I wished I am young again to ride on on eof the horses. If only time can travel back .... haha! The weather is great! Sunny that makes the temperature just nice for outdoor fun. Imagine, I dont have to put on a jacket.. and the wind is cooling like an aircon! We tried on tea-cups, puddle boats, flying socer...etc. The childern enjoys themselves very much! After lunch, we attack the indoor rides. With a 'All Park' entry ticket, we go for as much rides as possible... Cieran went for several too! On our last day in Genting, we have a hearty breakfast and did some last minute shopping before starting our journey home at 11.45am. The mist is strong where we have to drive carefully. We will missed such cooling weather! The way back to Singapore was much easier now. We spent about 5hrs plus to arrive in Singapore. Once again, the custom was clear. We had a fun time during this short holiday, bringing back wonderful photos & memory.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Meet our NEW member in the family-Golden!

Suddenly, there is a stirr to have a dog in the family. It all started from Joanne and Marcus who was keen to have a dog and went to farm for viewing. They are keen on Japanese Spitz who has low maintenance. Somehow, this topic arouse our interest.. and wonder why, the 'having dog germs' came to us, and I find myself hunting for dog adoption in the web. I suppose, Jeremy and I like dog and after much consideration, we feel that it will be easier for us to have one now. After much searching, we ended up visiting one fostering family who has a 11 month old Golden Retriever. this dog is named Golden, and has a rather pitiful story to tell. His owner bought him from a pet shop and have him for more than 6months with proper care, but later abandon him when they downgrade their house to HDB. I wonder how can the owner beared to do such to Golden who is so loving and always a joyful pet. Anyway, this fostering family rescue Golden and took him in while looking for a second home for him. By chance, I read the ad and arranged for a visit. We have no plans to have such a large breed dog in the family initially, but after much discussion and consideration, Jeremy & I decide to meet Golden with the children. Our priory concern will be the children's get-along with the dog, and if the dog can be independent when we are all out on weekdays. During the visit, a surprise...! Golden welcome us with his great smiles, excitement and charm. The children was neither afraid of him at all. Jeremy had fun with Golden by giving simple command, testing if he understands. Golden is great with children, he gets real excited and he run in and out with his tail waving happily. I had a chat with Josephine, the fostering owner, trying to understand more about Golden. It seems all clicked well, and it was arranged that Jo will bring Golden over our house for a trial stay. During our journey back home, Jeremy & I discussed about Golden... a decision was made soon after.. we are adopting Golden and a date was set on 14Dec after our Genting trip. But we didn't wait till 14... Jeremy was so eager to have Golden, and we eventually called Jo and arranged to pick Golden on 13Dec instead. Golden joined us around 9.45pm, where the kids are all slept. We arranged Golden to spent the night at the car pouch area. He barks and whines for our attention, well..his 1st night in a new environment and family, we can't blame him. The next morning, I made the children washes up before I introduce this new member. Ashley was excited, while Cieran doesn't know what's in store. Golden was happy to meet the children, he waved his tail non-stopped. We have planned for an outing initially, a breakfast & walk at East Coast.. but the rain spoil the plan. In the end, we had breakfast at Joanne & Marcus's condo. My sister who's keen to meet Golden. :-) A short outing for Golden. He has been behaving, and he understands simple commands which make the trip easy. He has no problem with car rides and in fact, he enjoys it. He enjoys being around with people, and recognised Jeremy as his owner. Whenever Jeremy makes a movement, he will be on his feet with his tail waving...always ready to follow. We are happy to have this new member in the family. He, and us, have to make some lifestyle adjustment... but I believed, we have a good start.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

The Yellow Bird...

Ashley has been practising her dance at home... at po po house... in fact, whenever she is free! :-p I can see that this girl really enjoys dancing. But then, maybe a little too much! Sometimes, while having her meal half way, she just left her seat and started dancing on the floor. Sigh!!! It has been getting out of hands to control this girl to have her meal with buttocks on the chair. 22Nov was the day... to her concert. We arrived at the Civil Service College at around 9.45am, waiting to be seated for the show. As usual, the K2 have their graduation ceremony, followed by performance by the Carpe Diem Alexandra and Jurong West. Ashley was part of the performance. This year, the theme was 'The Enchanting Tales" with the combining stories of the race between the hare and tortoise, and the 3 little pigs. Ashley was part of the 'animal' in the story of the race between the hare & tortoise. She is one of the yellow birds that witness the race and rejoicing that the tortoise won the race...thus it was towards the end of the story that I get to see my Ashley dancing. The children never fails to surprise and bring joy to the parents. There's some amusements where little ones (toddler) doing silly acts, shy ones on stage crying...etc. Nevertheless, encouraging parents always cheer and clap for their love ones on stage. It's' not easy for them.. you need courage to be up there performing. Like many parents, I watched with pride. Ashley dance happily and I can feel her enjoyment. I am not being boastful, but honestly I think my girl had dance well. She saw us watching her, but never waves or returned acknowledgement. I feel proud of her... as a performer, you should not let audience affect your performance right? Little Cieran seems to recognise his sister, eventhough Ashley got her make up on. He calls for her (as in the usual 'Errr..') when he spotted her flying (yellow bird...) out to the front stage. Cieran claps his if he too agreed that his sister dances well.... haha! After the grand finale, we waited our turn to 'collect your kid'... I praised Ashley for a dance well performed. She smiles happily...I know she had enjoyed herself. Outside auditorium, I took some photos of Ashley with her friends.... Children nowadays got all the exposing which we didn't such oppopportunity. Personally, I wished as much was given to my children.

Ashley made me a proud mummy... :-)

A Family "SWEET" Treats...

Recently I have exchanged 2 haagen dazs ice-cream vouchers from my starhub points. Since the days to my kid's birthdays are drawing near, plus Jeremy is not as busy during year end, I thought it will be nice to have a family ' Sweet Treats'. Sat was a good time to enjoy ice-cream together. It was a surprised that Jeremy suggested the outlet at Holland Village. He nevers likes to drive there since parking has always been an issue. But I supposed the new ERP parking system, and no valent service at Holland Village does help smoothen the traffic and parking difficulties. We did not wait for long to have a parking space. Ashley is excited and longed to eat ice-cream. However, I inisisted that we must have dinner before the treats. Eventually we ended up the same store where I used to dine with my colleagues from Nokia... Katong Laksa with added cockles was always been our orders. I had the same, while Jeremy and Ashley shared the nasi lemak. Little Cirean? Well..he ate his cereal I bought for him, and pinched a little food from the nasi. Cieran can never satisfied with his own portion of food. He's more keen on own food than his own...haha! After our dinner, we stroll around the arcade before landing our feet in the haaden dazs stop. Ashley was blushing with smiles. She happily went in and look at all the flavous on display. I followed her, while the father & son settles comfortably on the sofa couch. We spent more than 10mins browsing the menu and eventaully made our order. Cant't remember to beautiful descrbtion and name of the item, but it was brownies and 2 scoopes of ice-cream (chocolate and choc chips). Ashley's face glow with delight when the waitress placed the ice-cream on the table. Cieran immediately responsed with pleasure seeing 'FOOD'! Impatiently, he makes little groaning and attempted to get the ice-cream himself. What a little greedy fellow! But, can't blame the little fellow... it's his 1st time seeing an ice-cream, moreover it was so well decorated. The look of it spurs out the temptation buds! The 2 kids enjoyed their sweet treats.... mummy can't help but busy taking snap shots of them. We have a fun family sweet treats.... eventhough it was drizzling outside.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Some thoughts about my Job...

I joined International SOS on 2 June'08... it's been almost 5 months, and I have arranged 4 Product Induction Trainings to date. Suddenly, I have the thought that I should write something about my job, than mostly on my 2 little angels. I have enjoyed my work so far, with the 'no travel' as priority. At this stage where my kids are young, travelling around is no longer my priority. Unless, travelling foor leisure, that's a total different story. Hehe! :-") Anyway, arranging regional trainings in Singapore (or across APAC) has always been my job profile, besides a minor portion of delivering. In this company, the administration is definitely not a challenge for me. However, I enjoyed working with several nice people in the company. As a medical service business, it's not always the case to work with nice people (if you get what I mean), afterall they are the 'Professionals'. But, I have encounter high professionals like doctors with heavy weights (Medical Director, Group MDs, GMs..etc), they are humble and courteous people. While planning the training agenda, very often I have to work closely and communicate with specialists regarding the training agenda and very luckily, I have not encounter any difficulties working with them. Coordination work can be such a hassle when comes to confirming sessions with presenters, get their responses etc, but I have been performing all such smoothly. I believed this is part of the company culture that has been nurtured. Among all the companies that I have been into, if I need to rank them (don't consider the hospitality inductries), Nokia is the No 1, International SOS is No 2, Cargill No 3. Nokia wins by good employees' welfare with longer annual leaves, flexible benefits package and shortest working hours (9-5pm officially!). They have really taken in to account of employees' welbeing, with a working gym in the office, and facilities for breast-feeding working mums. Not many companies equip themselves with such facilities. I like to comment that working in Cargill is an eye-opener for me. I was exposed to travelling, especially visits to business such as oil plantation in Malaysia, animal nutrition farm (in Siam Valley Thailand). It was definitely an experience that last. Back to Int'l SOS... besides sales & marketing training, I am also handling medics training. Unfortunately, I have not been very much involved with the doctors attachments in the MAC (medical alarm center). Eunice has been taking care of that since I am rather tied up with new profiles. Oh... 1 new program under my care recently was the PGEMC (Program in General Emergency and Medical Care) which was co-host by SGH PGMI, DUKE NUS and Duke University. It was a 4 year CE (Continuous Eduction) program, and we had the pilot session in Oct. This was a new challenge.... If you asked me what I like in my job, it will be : the flexibility in training and I enjoy getting to know a lot of people across the different regions. What I dislike will be : the entertainments which I prefer not to attend during training periods. BUT, where to find a perfect job to match a person's liking? ..... can't complain much...haha!