Monday, 5 November 2007

Family Gathering @ Costa Sand Pasir Ris Chalet

1-3 Nov, a day that we have been looking forward to... after all I have booked this chalet since May under the HSBC credit card promotion (50% discount). Finally the day has come after long months of counting down... We have lots of food prepared for the BBQ... there are pork & mutton satay, salad, chicken wings, prawns, chicken curry, sweet corns, sweet potatoes, pork chops, beef slice, fish, quail eggs and fish balls for the kids etc. Wow! So many food... we are all going to gain several kilos within a day! Never mind, so long as we all have fun, who cares about weight now? It's an opportunity for family to gather together to enjoy and relax. The kids are definitely having lots of fun together. They amused themselves in their own games while the adults have their privacy chat. It is very coincidence that there are 4 family members whose birthdays fall in November. We never realised it.. till mum (who never forgets anyone's birthday) distributed us the red packets she prepared for us. How can we missed taking a photo as memento? The next day, Ashley and mummy was the earliest to wake up. While the rest are still piggy-ing, we went out for a walk at the Pasir Ris Park and explore the facilities in chalet. I took several photos of Ashley who has lots of poses. Looking at her, I feel that time really flies! When Vernon wakes up, I arranged the 'little couple' to have breakfast outside the chalet. They both have cornflakes and yogurt drink for breakfast. After some rest, we bought the kids to the swimming pool for water fun. The kids are excited to put on their new swimming costume. The weather was good-not so sunny, plus the pool is empty with no crowd. I suppose the majority could still be in bed.

Back to chalet, after washing up, it's card games! The fun never ends! As we have some raw food left last night, we decide we will BBQ the leftovers again for dinner. The 'satay man' seems professional, but wonder if his satay taste good? Looking at his satays... it sure seems yummy!

Next morning, we drove to Downtown East and had McDonalds for breakfast. The kids' favourite! Afterwhich, we walk around the premises. Downtown East had put on some Christmas decoration. The theme seems to be fairy tales. I can see there's Jack and the bean stalk, Rumbestilskin....Before we proceed to check out, the kids have their last fun riding the electronic vehicles.